2021 Summit Materials

  1. Ryan White Program Information
    1. Ryan White Program Service Definitions
    2. Eligibility Criteria and Severe Need/Special Populations Definition
    3. Review of Legislative Mandate
    4. Shared Mission and Vision

  2. Data
    1. ARIES Update
    2. Epi Report
    1. HHS Quality Improvement Program

  3. Presentations
    1. HIV Housing Plan Overview
    2. HIV Prevention and Care among Trans People
    3. Gender Health SF Overview

  4. HIV Consumer Advocacy Project (HCAP) Annual Report
    1. HCAP 2020-21 Report

  5. Ending the Epidemic (ETE)
    1. ETE Final Plan November 2020

  6. Community Needs Assessment
    1. 2020 Needs Assessment- HIV+ Transitional Aged Youth
    2. Community Outreach and Listening Sessions (COLA)
      1. COLA 2020- Portuguese Speakers